Explore Therapy Options for Anxiety in Lucknow, India : Experience Healing and Hope

Anxiety is a combination of cognitive symptoms, emotional and behavioural symptoms too. It is in fact an innate response to a threat which triggers our fight-flight response and which subsides upon a perceived reduction in our threat. 

 This means that in a crisis some amount of anxiety is normal and also required for us to be able to overcome the crisis. Problem begins when even after the crisis is over, your anxiety does not come down. 

 When feeling it, it can feel like restlessness, a constant stream of negative thoughts, anticipating what might happen. Your heart beat may increase, you may micturate frequently, perspire a lot, experience shortness of breath, your muscles may become tense and hence you get fatigued very easily. 

 There are various types of anxiety that an individual may experience, along with different intensities of each of these types. 

  •  One is high functioning anxiety, wherein whenever an individual feels anxious, they are not able to sit with that feeling. Fearing a breakdown, they compulsively get into taking actions. Such individuals find it hard to sit in one place. They keep working round the clock which channels their anxiety, hence making them feel at ease mentally, but at the physical level, this depletes and exhausts all the resources of the body. When anxious, they need to move to feel calm.
  •  In the other type of anxiety, whenever an individual feels anxious, they get overwhelmed and need to sit in one place and calm down before they can do anything else. 
  •  Static Anxiety : This form of anxiety is always there and does not come and go. There is always a logical reason for the anxiety and is related to the fear of success. Sometimes the  client cannot explain a logical cause to it because it is not always real. A lot of anticipation of a situation is involved in it. 
  •  Free Floating Anxiety : This form of anxiety is intermittent. The client  will be worried and fearful and becomes quite sensitive to external circumstances. Their anxiety gets triggered periodically. 

 When the symptoms of anxiety exist for every situation; when for every situation, you feel pathological levels of anxiety, worrying about what may happen and experience catastrophizing thoughts, you are probably going through generalised anxiety disorder. 

 Extreme and persisting anxiety is termed as panic. When panic attacks are frequent, it becomes a panic disorder.

The mind does not understand the concept of time and space. It remembers the past and feels happy or sad today; on the other hand It thinks of the future and starts feeling anxious or worried or even fearful, even though a situation is merely anticipated ; as if it were all happening right now, but actually nothing has happened yet. 

 When the pain of an incident is not digested, our mind does not understand that the incident is over. And so, since in our perception, the crisis is never over, we keep ourselves in that state of fight and flight, and this reflects in the experience of anxiety disorders. You are too anxious about something or too anxious about almost everything. Why? Because all the previous crises are not over and this is one additional problem which you need to deal with and you are not even sure you know how and why. Almost all clients of anxiety have repressed emotions of guilt, sadness, loneliness, trauma and even sexual abuse stemming from their earlier life. In fact people who have undergone trauma and abuse are 82 % more likely to experience anxiety or other emotional health issues in their later life. 

 Do not ignore the signs your body shows you. Now is your moment to prioritise yourself when you need it the most. Anxiety and panic attacks are truly the cry for help from our body to make us realise that we need to pay attention to the chaos within us. And take help from someone who can actually help us overcome it and resolve it completely. 

 In the field of Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy, you realise that you were not born with this anxiety. Which means that between the age of 0 and your current age, there must be an onset to your anxiety. So we take you back to the roots of your anxiety and reverse it from there. To your mind which is like a harddisk, this is almost like an auto-reset : since you are reversing the anxiety and all the related thought patterns, coping mechanisms, faulty belief systems and behavioural issues from their 6000 times powerful root causes, the anxiety is resolved completely and does not relapse. Moreover, the emotional resources that you had lost in time, for example the ability to feel secure and confident is also restored from its origin and is magnified by 6000 times. This is different from traditional psychotherapy in that it only deals with the conscious mind, and hence most of the work is related to the here and now, the present moment. Since the root cause of an issue is not worked upon, the recovery is slower and the chances of relapses are more. 

 You are not married to your issues. There is an answer for everything. With appropriate facilitation, you can also make the desired changes in your life. Reach out to us below, or message us at +91 888 146 2000 to speak to our experts and know more. 

 Onwards and upwards

Team Happiness SOULutions

 Website : www.happinesssoulutions.com

 Head Quarters Address : Antarmann Holistic Studio

2/414, Chinhat Rd, Vikalp Khand

Gomti Nagar, Lucknow 

Uttar Pradesh, India

Pin Code : 226010

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