Spiritual Laws of Life

In our daily lives, we choose to become a part of so many systems. Our schools, colleges, workplaces, even the families we are born into or get married in, are systems in themselves. 

Now, just as each family has its own costumes and rules, so does every system. If you apply this on a larger scale, you realise that all of us are a part of the same universe which is governed by its own laws. 


These laws not only determine what happens but also determine why and how. And since we are all a part of this universe, they automatically determine what happens in our life and also explain why. 

Thus, knowledge of these laws not only enables us to make sense of our lives, but also saves us from digressing from our highest path and helps us move our lives toward actualising our true potential and fulfilling our true purpose.


These principles which govern the Universe are termed Quantum Spiritual Laws of Life, as they automatically also apply and explain the turn of events in life.  


Heard of the Law of Attraction? It is one of the 12 Quantum Spiritual Laws of Life

Some of the other spiritual laws of life include 

  • Law of Universal Oneness/Divine Oneness
  • Law of Karma and Family Dynamics
  • Law of Cause and effect
  • Law of YIN and YANG Harmony
  • Law of Choice and Consequence
  • Law of Polarity
  • Law of Universal Flow of Energy and Telepathy
  • Law of Relativity
  • Law of rhythm and synchronicity
  • Law of Perpetual Transformation of Energy


Come learn these laws with our facilitator, Mr. Rajesh J Singh, who has himself been an international senior facilitator, Quantum Hypnotherapist and Energy Medicine Practitioner for over two decades. He brings to you his experience and understanding across all these years in a perspective on the Quantum Spiritual Laws of Life in our 2-days workshop, like no other. 


Enrol to know which law are you stuck at or better which is the law governing your life, and gain a deeper understanding to emerge out of many such recursive patterns that you maybe helplessly stuck in. 


Who can participate:


  • Healers
  • Counsellors
  • Holistic Wellbeing Professional
  • Teachers and Students
  • Anyone interested in understanding the Universe and their lives from an objective perspective and use it to see an overall improvement in their life



Your Takeaway from this workshop:


  • Make sense of your life from a quantum perspective. 
  • Know how to overcome blocks in your personal and professional life
  • Experience an overall shift in every sphere of your life


Come join us in our 2-day workshop where we unravel these laws for you along with their application in daily life.